Due to our vast buying power and long term relationships with banks and funders, we have access to significantly discounted lease rates for exclusive use within schools and colleges.
We can deal with all of your current suppliers so you won’t see any changes, only SAVINGS!
It’s simple. Utilising our relationships with banks and funders, Compulease™ will go out to the financial market on an individual deal-by-deal basis and “buy in” the money for your specific deal at a guaranteed preferential price.
All the school has to do is to provide us with a copy of their existing quote, the capital cost involved and the name of their chosen supplier. Compulease™ will do the rest.
No change to your current suppliers
As we go out to the financial markets specifically for your transaction, it is a “bespoke” service and as such we don’t provide quotations, just a written confirmation of the final payments and the money you will SAVE!
All the school has to do is to provide us with proof of their existing quote which must be from a bonafide finance company, the capital cost involved and the name of their chosen supplier. Compulease™ will do the rest. The service is guaranteed to provide you a saving.
Because we have NO vested interest in the supplier or the goods they are supplying, our only aim is to save your school money.